The Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati Provides the Best Opportunity to Learn and Improve Skills in Real Estate Investing

The Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati (REIA GC) has been providing quality educational services since our founding in 1973. We specialize in assisting new and veteran real estate investors with timely educational programs, networking opportunities, and a fabulous library.

The roots of the Real Estate Investors Association go back to October 1973 when Clarence Jones asked Lou Crawford to help bring together the graduates of the just concluded Lowry-Nickerson Real Estate Investment Seminar to form a local group of investors. Clarence became the President and Program Chairman and Lou collected the money and mailed out mailed the meeting notices. From the outset, the group called itself the REAL ESTATE INVESTORS ASSOCIATION, but it wasn’t until 1977 that “REIA” came into common usage.

Our Mission is to encourage our members’ success through education and professional services and to represent REIA members as positive, ethical contributors to the economic and social wellbeing of our community.

The Cincinnati Real Estate Investors Association will fulfill its mission and vision by:

1. Encouraging our members to achieve and maintain OPHP (Ohio Professional Housing Provider) accreditation by fostering an environment where all members have access to respected subject matter authorities at meetings, seminars, workshops and bootcamps.

2. Working with community and neighborhood organizations to promote understanding of Real Estate Investors Association members’ contributions and challenges, and to contribute to improving housing opportunities and support for our neighborhoods.

3. Working proactively to effect legal and regulatory matters impacting our industry.
4. Requiring our members to abide by the Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati’s Code of Ethics.


First and Third Thursdays

Informative, fact-filled meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm at Cincinnati-Hamilton County Community Action Agency. You can expect helpful and stimulating presentations by knowledgeable experts on a wide range of real estate related topics. Often written materials are handed out for your reference. Questions and Answer sessions are frequently held and draw upon the vast knowledge of the association as a whole. Fun, entertaining, and helpful.

Beginners Early Meetings:

Every 1st Thursday, the Real Estate Investors Association will be presenting one of a year long series of work shops presented by our very own Vena Jones-Cox, host of Real Life Real Estate on WMKV radio and national presenter of Real Estate 101. Tune in for Real Life Real Estate Investing Public Radio Every Wednesday 5:00 p. m. ET WMKV (89.3 FM) Sponsored By Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati.

Advanced Investor Early Meetings:

On the 3rd Thursday of each month we will be presenting various topics with both local and national speakers on the subjects nearest and dearest to the advanced investor’s heart.

Our monthly meetings are held at the:
Cincinnati-Hamilton County Community Action Center
Swifton Commons/Jordan crossing
1470 Langdon Farm Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45237
6:00 Early Meeting
7:30 Main Meeting

For more information, please contact:
Jen Griffin
Cincinnati REIA
525 West 5th Street, Suite 101
Covington, KY 41011
(859) 292-7342

Our Members come from the following Zip Codes:
Ohio Zip Codes:

45001, 45002, 45003, 45004, 45005, 45011, 45012, 45013, 45014, 45015, 45018, 45025, 45026, 45030, 45032, 45033, 45034, 45036, 45039, 45040, 45042, 45043, 45050, 45051, 45052, 45053, 45054, 45055, 45056, 45061, 45062, 45063, 45064, 45065, 45066, 45067, 45068, 45069, 45071, 45107, 45111, 45113, 45122, 45140, 45152, 45162, 45174, 45201, 45202, 45203, 45204, 45205, 45206, 45207, 45208, 45209, 45211, 45212, 45213, 45214, 45215, 45216, 45217, 45218, 45219, 45220, 45221, 45222, 45223, 45224, 45225, 45226, 45227, 45227, 45228, 45229, 45230, 45231, 45232, 45233, 45234, 45235, 45236, 45237, 45237, 45238, 45239, 45240, 45241, 45242, 45243, 45244, 45245, 45246, 45237, 45237, 45238, 45239, 45250, 45251, 45252, 45253, 45254, 45255, 45258, 45262, 45263, 45264, 45267, 45268, 45269, 45270, 45271, 45272, 45273, 45274, 45275, 45277, 45280, 45296, 45298, 45299, 45458

Kentucky Zip Codes:

41001, 41007, 41011, 41012, 41014, 41015, 41016, 41017, 41018, 41019, 41051, 41053, 41059, 41063, 41071, 41072, 41073, 41074, 41075, 41076, 41085, 41099

Indiana Zip Codes:

47001, 47003, 47006, 47010, 47012, 47016, 47017, 47018, 47021, 47022, 47023, 47024, 47025, 47030, 47031, 47032, 47033, 47034, 47035, 47036, 47037, 47039, 47041, 47042, 47060

This press release was submitted by Right Now Marketing Group, LLC.


To encourage our members’ success through education and professional services and to represent REIA members as positive, ethical contributors to the economic and social well-being of our community.

REIA of Greater Cincinnati, through the efforts of its member investors, will be recognized by the industry, by the community at large, and by government leaders as a positive professional force, providing housing opportunities throughout Greater Cincinnati.
Your REIA GC is a charter member of the Ohio Real Estate Investors Association and the National Real Estate Investors Association.

REIA GC is a sponsor of Fair Housing Mediation Services, providing free independent mediation to tenants, property owners, and neighbors in the Greater Cincinnati area.


REIA GC is a group or real estate investors from throughout the tri-state area who meet on a regular basis to share information, leads and contacts, and to help each other learn more about real estate investing through bi-monthly educational meetings, subgroup meetings and other events to maximize their success.